When I think of kids nowadays versus when I was a kid things were so much different. Was it because I lived in Hawaii being far removed from the continental US not as much outside influence, and usually a little late with the trends. Or was it just that growing up in the early 80's was the best fuckin time to grow up.
When I was a kid we played outside, we played in mud, we rolled in dirt and grass and our parents didn't care if we got dirty. That's what us kids did. We were tough, we didn't have parents squirting us with hand sanitizer everytime we touched something. We got scratches and scrapes, hydrogen peroxide that bitch, watch it bubble, put neosporin and slap a band aid on it and go back outside and play with the chickens.
There was no signs that say "wash your hands before you touch the baby". Just tell people don't touch your damn baby... done. Speaking of shit they have now for parents, baby things that you can control with your phone... You know what our parents had back then? fuckin' arms. It's like you can entertain your baby while you entertain yourself with your face glued to your phone... you know, the norm. I am thankful for not growing up with all the ridiculous crap they have now. I work in a baby store, half the shit we sell is unnecessary rubbish. Garbage I would never buy if I had a kid, I don't care how convenient it would be to put my baby to sleep by simply pushing a button.
Now back to the sanitizing... I am thankful for the way I was brought up, The lack if parents sanitizing every fuckin thing in the house contributes to a strong ass immune system. I don't get sick and when I do I'm not a crybaby bitch about it. Just because I have a headache, I don't call out of work. I don't go to the doctor for no damn reason. Suck it up!
I know this is not part of my generation but rather just watching parents with good work ethic. As far as I can remember, I had parents with awesome work ethic. They didn't miss work because they got shitfaced the night before (well that was easy because they don't even drink). They didn't miss work because they just didn't feel like going in. They didn't miss work because they forgot to request off for a birthday party. They didn't miss work because they made a doctors appt and forgot they had to work that day too (they scheduled that shit on their day off)... Fuck I could go on... Regardless if I still lived at home and have an easier time not having to fully support myself, I'd still have the same work ethic. I'd still go to work everyday, contribute at home instead of being lazy, selfish and having my daddy still support me while I'm well in my 30's, but I digress.
How did this go from weak wimpy kids to work ethic? oh that's right, It's like cause and effect... Bathe your kids in sanitizer their whole life and every germ they're exposed to threatens their immune system. They have no germ fighting immunities in their wimpy bodies because they never needed it.