I make my observations and I have my opinions but I really have no room to judge anyone for how mature they are being. As far as knowing how to conduct myself when something doesn't go the way I planned, or hoped for that matter, I think I do well at controlling my emotions now even though I want to scream and throw a fit (maybe not that drastic, but you get my point) and then as far as the things I do and choose to share I am far from mature in that department. I always say my apartment looks like a little girl lives here. hehe. Childlike if you will. No adult theme to my decorating at all. :-) But that's immature in a different way then the point of this entry anyways.
It's not even a matter of caring what others think of you, it's a matter of how you want to show that yes I can handle shitty situations. Taking ownership for the results and not blaming everyone if something went wrong. You let it go, move on and you know what you need to do to change things.
I have my moments, I honestly do. I remember when I used to share it with the facebook world. Slipping into a depression over something and then emo attention posting on facebook didn't make it any better. But you get hurt, and I understand that. Then reality sets in and you realize that wasn't the way to handle things. Wasn't very mature was it? Not really but you needed that. Venting is ok, But be aware of how you're doing it. Because I can tell you right now, not everyone is receptive of the way people choose to vent their frustrations... just comes off as immature and you come off looking very childish. I try not to slip down that path again.
When I really think about it, I have friends that would be there yes, but because I think about everyone else's feelings before my own, Why would I want my friends to have to worry about me, an adult, and the shit that's going on in my life. They have their own lives, why do I want to bring my issues into their lives. I guess that's what friends are for. Its funny because I feel terrible when I drop shit on my friends but I always welcome them to vent to me anytime that they need. Everyone needs to vent and share their feelings. To have someone to just talk to helps a lot as well. I talk to friends but I talk to myself mostly... and it helps... crazy. :-P