Self respect is defined as holding yourself in esteem and believing that you are good and worthy of being treated well.
Easy to say, "Yes I have self respect" and for the most part it's true, but some actions that seem so little and harmless hold so much weight, that in the back of your head you start to realize you're terribly mistaken.
Do people get this mixed up with self confidence? Sometimes I think they do. I know some people frown upon half naked selfies with people in their underwear, but if they love their bodies and love the way they look and want others to see it then so what, more power to them. That's on them if they have repercussions from it, be it family, friends, or goodness their children that have to see it. In my eyes, it's not them having no self respect. It's simply confidence in posting things like that. Hopefully doing so fully aware of the public forum display they chose to partake in. If they didn't expect the reactions, good or bad, then they're just plain dumb. :-)
Anywhos getting back to the topic at hand. Hindsight plays a big part with self respect in my opinion. If you can see the consequences before you made dumb decisions I'm sure more people would feel like they have a lot more self respect. Work on saying "no" to the ones that clearly have no respect for you. If they did, they would have respected your initial decision and left it at that. But because you're so weak when it comes to certain people you say yes and feel terrible about your actions later.
You don't think about everyone that your decision effects until after. And then that's when you feel like you've done something so terrible you have no self respect. And in actuality you have no respect for others as well.You get over it after a while, but now the hard part is to learn from the experience. How redundant of you if you choose to do it over and over again. No sympathy here. What do you call it if you have no remorse for the things you've done? You obviously don't respect anyone else, and that's just depressing. But that's how the world works. You either stick around and watch the crash or you turn around, change and move on... I like the sound of the latter.
You're happy with the person you are? You've done things that you regret, but have learned from it and refuse to do it again? You treat people the way you want to be treated... with respect? Yes to all of that and I think it's safe to say you have self respect.
And now I will shut my yap for the night,