I get excited for the little things. This sprout for instance. I planted it about a week ago. Left the pot on my balcony sill. Watered the dirt a couple of times since then and when I went out there this morning I had a sprout! I didn't know seeds have an expiration date and this expired back in 2013 so I really didn't think anything was going to grow but figured since my aloe plant finally had enough of my forgetfulness and died when I left him outside when it was freezing, I'd use the pot and soil for something else.
The little sprout is a Zucchini. In 48 days I'ma be chompin on a long, 8"...... mmmm nvmd, I won't finish that.
I have a pack of tomato seeds too, maybe if I plant those in the same pot now they'd grow about the same time. Would be funny if two tomatoes grew along with my zucchini. How sad is it that I turned an innocent story of how awesome of a plant thingy grower I am, and I turn it dirty. And not dirty like the dirt in the pot. Alright I'm done.