I am fortunate to have friends, and family even, that don't take it personal when we dont communicate on a regular basis. We know we are there for eachother and wont go anywhere, and we dont need constant reassurance about it. My friends know that I do like to keep to myself, they invite me places, and don't take it personaly when I kindly decline. I love them all for that. They dont get upset when my answer is "naw, ima stay home". I'm a bit older then the people around me now, I've done my fair share of going out and partying when I was younger back home. Seemed to get into trouble, didnt make the best choices back then and I'm kinda over it... A tell all would be rather interesting, if I ever did one. My point to that last part was simply to say, I've done the whole going out, I like my alone time now, and no one gives me shit bout it.
I am the type person, as Im sure with many others, that we know our friends and family have busy lives, we know that they have alot to do in their own lives that not to sound mean, but it does trump a phone call or text to you. And I'm ok with that.
Its sad because I know people that get all butt hurt because their once best friend now doesn't talk to them as much as they used to for some reason or another. They got a new boyfriend, they just got married, they had a new baby, they got new job, what ever the "new" thing in their life might be all they thought about was the fact that they hardly talk to them anymore... But you know what, communication works both fuckin ways. It would be a completely different story if you tried to keep contact, but they didn't resond with a simple text or an email. If you get a response saying, "I don't have time for you anymore, so we won't talk anymore.." Then you know what you have to do.
I dont cut people out of my life because they get to busy for me. Most single people surrounded by friends with families know where and how far to draw the line. You don't say "make time for me, I don't care if you have a family to go home to at night, lets go get shit faced and stay out all night"... NO you just don't do that. Or "hey my single friend just got a new boyfriend and now she has no time for me so ima not talk to her anymore" are you fuckin serious. Instead of being happy for her that she found someone, you get all bent out of shape because what? she has someone in her life now that fills a lonely void she had? Was she your only friend and you dont have anyone else to talk to? Goodness forbid you talk to or go out and do something with your own husband or kids. Did they do you wrong in some way?... no? then its that friend who should really re-evaluate keeping you in their life.
I will admit, I've cut people out of my life. It's been over many things, But to be honest, I don't feel like any of my reasons were pety. You be the judge.
Supposed friend borrows money and makes it a point to say they'll pay you back, but never does, and drops off the face of the earth. Let me make it really easy for you not to have to pay me back, and to releave my own worries about getting used again... snip.
Friends that have no remorse of being in a relationship but still trying to fuck anything that moves. Being in an open relationship is one thing, but cheating and not having the balls to tell your partner it's not working out because you don't want that confrontation, is just a bitch thing to do... snip.
I walk a fine line with this one because I dispise people that have no respect for other people, their feelings or things that do not belong to them. They have no regard for anyone else but themselves. Me, me,me,me,me. There's a difference in living your life for yourself vs. just being an arrogant selfish asshole. The latter, I can't stand with a passion. GTFO... snip
To sum this entry up...
I have no animosity towards anyone in my life. Majority of it can be squashed with talking if I feel like they are someone I want to keep in my life. Yes I will try, but most times if someone shows their true colors I get turned off real quick and feel no need to salvage anything. It's mean, but really easy for me to shug it off and cut someone out. And trust me they will know. Numbers disappear from my phone real quick. The ones that I do still have in my life, I love them all, and I'm sure they feel the same.