Saturday, July 19, 2014


 Started this post on 6/19/14

I was told I was intimidating today. Sooo... I asked why?... Apparently it wasn't said to be a negative thing. Just that I have lot of opinions about things, it doesn't seem like I let people walk over me, I tell it like how it is, I carry myself well, and dare the person actually used the word "confident"
I guess I do carry myself with some kind of confidence. But it's not a constant. I get terribly nervous, shy, embarrassed at times, was that last one hard to believe?.. hehe.
So in the end I guess it was a nice compliment, just threw me off guard because I do not even see myself intimidating a fly. Wait no I hate flies, If one gets into my house I will not stop hunting it until I either kill it or let it go back outside. But anyways, just thought I'd share an interesting observation by one person. But the more you get to know me the more you see I'm not intimidating one bit. I'm a dork, I always say I march to beat of my own nutty drum.

 continued 7/19/14

wow finally decided to post this exactly a month later :-P

Intimidating by general definition is to make one fearful. Fear of injury or harm. To deter. To threaten.
I in no way resemble the general definition. haha. I welcome people to talk to me unless they are complete douchebag assholes, in that case fuck off  :-P

Anywhos, so yeah I'm not intimidating. Being so scatter brained over shadows my intimidation factor in my eyes. But why can't you carry both at the same time? I don't know, maybe because when I think of someone who I would label as intimidating, I think of them having their shit together. I don't see it as a negative word to describe someone, I just see it as someone so full of confidence that nothing bothers them, and nothing can bring them down. Intelligence is very intimidating, in a good way. It's damn sexy imo. I'm dumb so that rules me out. /sadness jk ok now im just rambling to fill space. so yeah.