A simple smile...
A facial expression so easy to do that you wonder why everyone doesn't do it more often. It's contagious. You can't help but to smile back when someone smiles at you. If you don't, then fuck off. oh no wait, unless the person is a creeper stalker... then yeah, hell no... run!!!
When you walk around with an angry expression all the time people will avoid you as much as possible because you just look mean and unapproachable. That was your intention? you did it well. You walk around pissed of at the world, pissed off at your life. So why not change it and be happy.
Then there are the ones that say a smile is also a sign of weakness. People tend to take advantage of the weak ones. Having a smile on your face always indicated that you were indeed nice and a good heart always went along with it. And this is where the kind-hearted get corrupted. They take to the ones that need help and eventually with time get burned. The smile quickly goes away and your open-mindedness about humanity gets pushed out and resentment and sometimes even fear replaces it. Fear of having to witness such heartless despicable acts carried out by the ones you let in. Depending on the severity of what happened, you might give kindness another shot. But we all know eventually something else will happen. Something else will break you down. It's just a matter of when you want to smarten up and say "I think that's enough hurt"
When people say, I'm not fake, and I'm not gonna walk around with a fake smile on my face, although that is commendable, sometimes you just have to. It gets people off your back, and having to explain to them what's wrong gets tiring.
The feelings that I want hidden will stay hidden. But I don't have much I'm secretive about. I'm open with everything for the most part. The feelings that I would like to share but will not come out right away, I will make known that something is bothering me. It's a matter of people reading my face, body language, my sudden change in moods, and my tendency to stare off into space and look lost... those are my signs. Some people catch on, but they don't know me well enough to ask whats bothering me, and some just don't care to notice, which is totally fine. I'd like to say I have enough control to know when I'm doing it, but most times I don't realize it until someone is asking me whats wrong. Depending on how I think the other person can take it and the reactions I will have to deal with, I usually say nothing. But you see... all that can be avoided by a simple smile. If you smile,
no one thinks anything of it. No one thinks something is wrong and they
won't ask questions. You want to hide all your feelings behind a smile, fake or not, it might be the smart way to go.
The ones closest to me know my smiles are always genuine. To go about with everyday life
not even cracking a smile is just depressing.
To smile is attractive.
To laugh is attractive.
To have a sense of humor is attractive.
just smile :-)
Makes everything better.