After moving away from Hawaii, I have maybe watched the news 5 times, maybe 10 tops.
News here is fuckin depressing. Hawaii news was majority about the weather, the surf, events, traffic, and very rarely something horrible happened. I watched the news almost everyday.
Yes I lived a very sheltered life, I lived at home until I was 27. It's not like I lived under a rock, and it's not like I was oblivious to the terrible things going on in the rest of the world. But it just wasn't around me, it wasn't in my backyard. Bad news wasn't something that I heard on a regular, everyday basis in Hawaii.
Humanity can be so kind and yet there are people in this world that just makes it an ugly place to live. I'm going to an extreme by saying even an ugly place to bring children into this world. When you have schools that are supposed to be keeping your children safe, there is always that one fuckin teacher over stepping their bounds with children. Or good lord even priests in church. I'm gonna burn for that comment huh?. meh.
You can't walk in your own neighborhood without looking over your shoulder thinking someone is gonna come and mug or murder you. You can't go out with friends thinking that if you don't stay true to the "buddy system" and wander off, you're gonna get rapped.
I work in retail, I see what levels people sink to steal things. It blows my mind how people can do this using their children to aid in their thievery. Makes me sick. And the next generation of degenerate thieves are made in that moment. They don't know any better. They see mommy doing it, it must be ok right? And they wonder why the path for their children leads right to jail.
Banks and stores being robbed because people are too fuckin lazy to get a job.
Innocent bystanders of roadrage gone out of control. I feel nothing for the idiots involved, I feel bad for the innocent and their families that have to suffer the loss of a loved one, all because someone cut someone off. Or idiots that think racing on the freeway or a deserted road is so cool. Fuckin grow up.
oops off topic...ANYWAYS.
My lack of keeping myself informed on the local news, or global news really needs to change. My Mom calls me and tells me she was just checking up on me and making sure I was ok because of a shooting that happened that she heard about and I'm all like "what shooting?". I'm on the phone with her at work so I asked coworkers and they're all like oh yeah it was a huge news, shooting ended in Walmart and people died, Co-worker's family member saw it happen... Fuckin terrible!!
I'm torn... do I just say screw it and watch the news and be educated in current events at least? or do I still be stubborn and shut out the inevitable negativity I will be witnessing. Like I said before, I'm not oblivious to the ugliness in this world... but I need to make a decision on whether or not I want to accept it for what it is and just watch the news everyday OR!!! leave it like how it is and continue to not watch the news and keep my brain squishy and full of clouds, rainbows and unicorns... oh wait and WoW stuff... can't forget about WoW!.