My sister and I don't have a ton in common, but I guess what we do have in common is the demeaning exploitation of men in the form of picking between how attractive we find them...
you know, the usual American thing to do. I'm so kidding... kind of.
Anywhos, So I sent Mish my list and this is what we came up with...
Her picks have a blue boarder and mines a pink boarder. Like our pictures for example. And if she sent me a little comment along with them, I'll include that as well.
I have more but I'll put them in another one. This one was getting long. these were fun tho. I'm sure people will get a kick out of our picks and wonder What the heck?!?!?!
This one was great,
Mish loves them both but no one beats Jake Gyllenhaal for her.
I didn't send this one to her, but I KNOW she would pick Loki over Thor.
I just noticed it's the wrong shade of pink I picked. But yes I picked Loki over Thor as well.
Mish didn't pick between these two.
She knows where they're from but said
"Dancing with the Stars? you disappoint me."
LOL. but... but... So I sent her links of them on DWTS on Youtube.
This was my Chris picks. I added Chris Messina for Mish. I knew she'd pick him.
And as much as I love the other Chris', Hardwick is my Nerdist <3 him!
and just FYI I loved him before he hosted Blizzcon.
Yes it was normal for us to pick Jonah over Channing.. Duh!
OK, this one was bad for me.
I picked Luke Evans but then went to find Richard Armitage pics
and this one made me rethink my decision. Nah, I'll stick with my first pick.
Normally extremely buff men do not appeal to me,
but Terry Crews is so hilarious, how could I not pick him.
Ummmm but why?!?!?!
And nobody beats my Captain.
Mom watches Bones and Castle I wonder who she'd pick.
And look what the fuck I found... LMAO
Someone made a love child out of the two. This was awesome!
John Corbett of course!
No brainer for us both... Lee Pace!!!
the 10th Doctor wins!!!!
Schmidt or Coach???...
COACH! Looks just like his daddy.
Put these 2 together because they are both Irish...
Um Hello? Chris O'Dowd of course!
Just because he talks for Rocket.
Notice how I didn't put the white text background on Zac's pic. Can't cover that body.
I don't know why, but I was surprised she picked Zac over Zach.