But in an effort to be my own guinea pig, I've been trying to see how long it would take me to train my brain to select the correct faucet. In my brain, I know that the colors are not correct, I know that the right one is hot water and the left cold, but yet I still turn on the right(blue handle) and don't realize it until the water is gradually getting hot. Is it a learning disability?... lols. please no. Weeellll I did have a couple "special" classes when I was in elementary for the slow learning children... oh for fuck sake... too much share time eh.
So this is going to be my experiment on myself...
I have taped labels with the correct water temperature written on them to the tops of the faucet handles. I will see if this will help my brain select the right one or if reflexes will take over and I just will reach for the opposite handles. If I really wanted it to be a guinea pig study, I would make a stat chart and keep track of how many times I make a correct or incorrect faucet use decision. That might be a little too crazy... Wait what the heck am I talking about... I am crazy... I'm doin' it!!!!. Aaaand I might just make a follow up blog explaining my findings.
Oh and just some side notes. I usually don't even realize I turned on the hot water because I don't leave the water running long enough to notice the temperature change. I wash my hands faster then the temp change, I don't leave the water running while I'm brushing my teeth. Although my complex has one set cost for Water/Trash/Sewer every month that doesn't mean I'm going to waste water. Wasting water annoys the shit out of me.