Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Although this is a very broad topic this will focus on a specific topic that I decided not to put in the title.
The sympathy I have for people wanting to commit suicide.... I have none.
I have no sympathy for people wanting to end their life because they feel it's not going to get better and they have no other option. To me it's selfish. You say you'll do it because you think everyone will be better off if you weren't there. How the fuck can you say shit like that? You don't know how they feel, because you don't care to see past all your problems and see all the people in your life that care about you.You don't think about the people that will be negatively affected by your weak decision. Especially if you have a family and kids. The aftermath of you going through with it doesn't cross your mind. To them, you committing suicide just showed how much having them in your life means nothing. Their feelings and love for you couldn't make you see the positive in this world. The lives you've created couldn't let you see that you have something worth living for. You'd rather kill yourself then watch your children live their lives and see what they grow up to be. That to me is sad and terribly selfish. Especially when people chose to die because of a relationship issue that didn't work out. Like I said, they do it for attention. Your heart is strong it will heal and you will move on. But only the weak dwell in the past and let it eat you up so much that you feel like ending your life because your poor little heart got broken once.
When you see no value in your life that you chose to take your own, you shit on the ones that were taken from this world before their time. People that want to live, that fight to live, people that struggle, that go through worse shit then you but end up getting taken from their loved ones far too soon. When you see someone laying in a hospital bed literally fighting for their life makes you appreciate yours even more. Someone laying there that was once so full of life and the kindest person anyone would ever meet. Never had a bad bone in her body, everything to live for. Struggling to live and fighting so hard but ultimately taken by an illness. And people take their lives so lightly.
When you think of people in the Military that go and fight for this country and lost their lives fighting for your freedom, for you to have all the opportunity in this world... you shit on them too.
Accidents that happen to innocent bystanders... yeah, them too.
Everyone who valued the life they were given but died too soon, envies you. You are still breathing... you still have life... But you would rather die. It wasn't their choice to go, and selfish you playing with your life that it means nothing.

I am speaking as someone who has not had anyone close to me commit suicide. I have seen friends go through losing their loved ones and the devastation it caused. People talking to me about their dabble in the attempt to do it. I am always going to be concerned, but it is just a desperate cry for help and sadly most times, attention. I have sympathy to a point, but as they keep talking and the sounds of selfishness comes out of their mouth... anger and resentment build up in me and my restraint to tell them to "fuckin' just get over it" is really put to the test.