In terms of dating, the word relationship can mean many different things to different people. I will mostly share what I've seen and heard from others, but will add my feelings in them as well, of course.
No one knows how long a relationship is going to last right off the bat. "That's the man/woman I'm gonna marry" when you just saw the person. 75% of the time, people are just joking about it with their friends. Another way of saying that person is fuckin hot. :-) But the other 25% are actually psycho stalkers/murderers... lol. I need a stalker... a nice one tho... one that won't kill me. hmm nvmd that's impossible. anyways... stalker sidetracked.
Fuck buddies are not considered a way of dating in many people's eyes. If both parties are ok with no feelings attached and just hook up for sex then that will work out. If both parties are exclusive to only each other, then great! more power to them. I've seen one relationship start off like this and that turned into a serious relationship still going strong. Damn those feelings, they always get in the way. kidding. I guess that's one way to start it off, I mean cuz yeah, you gotta talk right?... I guess. But the more you talk, the more you find that you really like that person and want to be around them more.
As much as having a FtF is frowned upon by a lot of people, I admire this way. You're both honest from the beginning of what you want and what you expect. Don't expect labels, don't expect me to take you out, don't expect me to call you and ask how your day was, don't expect me to spend the night, don't expect anyone in my life to know about you, don't expect me to be exclusive...Laid out flat right from the beginning. Up to you if you want to choose to accept this. No it's not dating, but it's honest. Don't drag someone along with lies because you're worried they will leave. If that's the case then offer them something more. In other words, don't be a fuckin pussy.
The confusing ones is where 2 people are not on the same page. No communication, one thinks they are in a relationship while the other just wants to mess around. Not good. Boundaries and intentions were not set from the beginning and someone ends up getting hurt. Seen friends go through this, it sucks. You want to tell them to wake up, but can't say much because you haven't experienced it yourself.... So you will get the "you don't know..." response. I'd like to say it happens when you're younger, because you'd like to think the older and wiser you get the more you'll learn. not the case. And something needs to change if it's happening to you over and over again. Unless you like this then go nuts.
The honest relationship is the one everyone ultimately wants right? The relationship where you openly say, this is my gf/bf, I'm dating this person and I want people to know about it. And although they don't know each other very well they will work on getting to know eachother as much as they can as they go along. But the effort was made from the beginning to put that label on it and that shows a lot. Makes them feel like they both want to try. Then if that leads to something long term then great!. But they will not hide anything from the other.
Situations where discretion is priority will always suck because the negatives will float through your mind. It makes you feel like you're not good enough to be shown off. You feel like the other person is ashamed of you. Like they're trying to hide you. Like that person is trying to hide something from you, or you from something/someone else. Like you're not good enough for them to openly give you that coveted boyfriend/girlfriend label. Your mind reverts back to dishonesty, lies and cheating thoughts. Its a natural reaction and like all your options you need to figure out if you want to go through this like it is or take your leave sooner then later. To be made to feel like things needs to be kept secret will always make you feel like just a fuck buddy. So you accept it and take it for what it is. Just go with the flow and don't ask questions. If discretion wasn't the intention then it all falls back onto communication. I have a lot of opinions and thoughts, but I don't always choose to share them for fear of feeling like a naive idiot. Because when I do share feelings I end up looking like an asshole and feel terrible when my mouth won't shut the fuck up :-) But that's my own hang ups I need to work on... and the wall will stay up.
(I know there was more to this entry but I will end it here... If I do decide to continue this I'll just make a part 2)
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Started this post on 6/19/14
I was told I was intimidating today. Sooo... I asked why?... Apparently it wasn't said to be a negative thing. Just that I have lot of opinions about things, it doesn't seem like I let people walk over me, I tell it like how it is, I carry myself well, and dare the person actually used the word "confident"
I guess I do carry myself with some kind of confidence. But it's not a constant. I get terribly nervous, shy, embarrassed at times, was that last one hard to believe?.. hehe.
So in the end I guess it was a nice compliment, just threw me off guard because I do not even see myself intimidating a fly. Wait no I hate flies, If one gets into my house I will not stop hunting it until I either kill it or let it go back outside. But anyways, just thought I'd share an interesting observation by one person. But the more you get to know me the more you see I'm not intimidating one bit. I'm a dork, I always say I march to beat of my own nutty drum.
continued 7/19/14
wow finally decided to post this exactly a month later :-P
Intimidating by general definition is to make one fearful. Fear of injury or harm. To deter. To threaten.
I in no way resemble the general definition. haha. I welcome people to talk to me unless they are complete douchebag assholes, in that case fuck off :-P
Anywhos, so yeah I'm not intimidating. Being so scatter brained over shadows my intimidation factor in my eyes. But why can't you carry both at the same time? I don't know, maybe because when I think of someone who I would label as intimidating, I think of them having their shit together. I don't see it as a negative word to describe someone, I just see it as someone so full of confidence that nothing bothers them, and nothing can bring them down. Intelligence is very intimidating, in a good way. It's damn sexy imo. I'm dumb so that rules me out. /sadness jk ok now im just rambling to fill space. so yeah.
I was told I was intimidating today. Sooo... I asked why?... Apparently it wasn't said to be a negative thing. Just that I have lot of opinions about things, it doesn't seem like I let people walk over me, I tell it like how it is, I carry myself well, and dare the person actually used the word "confident"
I guess I do carry myself with some kind of confidence. But it's not a constant. I get terribly nervous, shy, embarrassed at times, was that last one hard to believe?.. hehe.
So in the end I guess it was a nice compliment, just threw me off guard because I do not even see myself intimidating a fly. Wait no I hate flies, If one gets into my house I will not stop hunting it until I either kill it or let it go back outside. But anyways, just thought I'd share an interesting observation by one person. But the more you get to know me the more you see I'm not intimidating one bit. I'm a dork, I always say I march to beat of my own nutty drum.
continued 7/19/14
wow finally decided to post this exactly a month later :-P
Intimidating by general definition is to make one fearful. Fear of injury or harm. To deter. To threaten.
I in no way resemble the general definition. haha. I welcome people to talk to me unless they are complete douchebag assholes, in that case fuck off :-P
Anywhos, so yeah I'm not intimidating. Being so scatter brained over shadows my intimidation factor in my eyes. But why can't you carry both at the same time? I don't know, maybe because when I think of someone who I would label as intimidating, I think of them having their shit together. I don't see it as a negative word to describe someone, I just see it as someone so full of confidence that nothing bothers them, and nothing can bring them down. Intelligence is very intimidating, in a good way. It's damn sexy imo. I'm dumb so that rules me out. /sadness jk ok now im just rambling to fill space. so yeah.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Self Deprecating vs Self Loathing
Big difference....
modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so.
refers to an extreme dislike or hatred of oneself, or being angry at or even prejudice against oneself.
Yes they both sound very negative if you are not familiar with each definition. Hence the word "self" at the beginning of both, they describe the way you feel about yourself.
Self deprecation can be annoying, but it is harmless. I use it to make myself feel better about the way I feel, act, or look. If I can point out the reasons I do the things that I do, or the terrible way I look before anyone else can... I am satisfied. In my opinion, the self deprecating people don't do it for pity, they don't do it to hear people try to contradict them. We do it to make light of our view of ourselves. We point out whats wrong and for the most part laugh it off. To be critical of oneself yet have the humor that goes along with it to make jokes about it and when someone laughs, you laugh along with them. You just beat them to the punch. Most self deprecating comments are light-hearted. They are not damaging. They are not intended to derive pity from the ones that we choose to share things with. It's pointing out the things I'm ashamed about, but I'm not fishing for someone to come along and tell me otherwise. But when they do, it is appreciated, and I giggle and say thank you...haha... see I just laughed right there :-P
Self Loathing on the other hand... I don't think I've ever fell into this category. No matter how much I disliked the things I've done in the past or the person I was, I never thought of myself as self loathing. I didn't hate myself THAT much I guess. I knew some people that were self loathing. To be around them was depressing. Constantly putting themselves down in a extremely negative way, allowing no room for someone to even make an attempt at trying to snap them out of it. When hatred and self pity pours out it's hard to be around someone like that. People give up on you and you're left being alone. Which is what you don't want in the first place. Friends can handle so much, before you make them feel like all their attempts to help you and show you your worth and what you mean to them comes to an end. And when you feel abandoned by your friends and family, drastic steps comes flooding through your head.
Maybe I'm oblivious to it now because I try to see the positive in everything as of late, but I know not one self loathing person. Which is the way I like it.
Wait my sister is kinda getting me worried...
Mish!!! I'm fuckin kidding!
modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so.
refers to an extreme dislike or hatred of oneself, or being angry at or even prejudice against oneself.
Yes they both sound very negative if you are not familiar with each definition. Hence the word "self" at the beginning of both, they describe the way you feel about yourself.
Self deprecation can be annoying, but it is harmless. I use it to make myself feel better about the way I feel, act, or look. If I can point out the reasons I do the things that I do, or the terrible way I look before anyone else can... I am satisfied. In my opinion, the self deprecating people don't do it for pity, they don't do it to hear people try to contradict them. We do it to make light of our view of ourselves. We point out whats wrong and for the most part laugh it off. To be critical of oneself yet have the humor that goes along with it to make jokes about it and when someone laughs, you laugh along with them. You just beat them to the punch. Most self deprecating comments are light-hearted. They are not damaging. They are not intended to derive pity from the ones that we choose to share things with. It's pointing out the things I'm ashamed about, but I'm not fishing for someone to come along and tell me otherwise. But when they do, it is appreciated, and I giggle and say thank you...haha... see I just laughed right there :-P
Self Loathing on the other hand... I don't think I've ever fell into this category. No matter how much I disliked the things I've done in the past or the person I was, I never thought of myself as self loathing. I didn't hate myself THAT much I guess. I knew some people that were self loathing. To be around them was depressing. Constantly putting themselves down in a extremely negative way, allowing no room for someone to even make an attempt at trying to snap them out of it. When hatred and self pity pours out it's hard to be around someone like that. People give up on you and you're left being alone. Which is what you don't want in the first place. Friends can handle so much, before you make them feel like all their attempts to help you and show you your worth and what you mean to them comes to an end. And when you feel abandoned by your friends and family, drastic steps comes flooding through your head.
Maybe I'm oblivious to it now because I try to see the positive in everything as of late, but I know not one self loathing person. Which is the way I like it.
Wait my sister is kinda getting me worried...
Mish!!! I'm fuckin kidding!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
A simple smile...
A facial expression so easy to do that you wonder why everyone doesn't do it more often. It's contagious. You can't help but to smile back when someone smiles at you. If you don't, then fuck off. oh no wait, unless the person is a creeper stalker... then yeah, hell no... run!!!
When you walk around with an angry expression all the time people will avoid you as much as possible because you just look mean and unapproachable. That was your intention? you did it well. You walk around pissed of at the world, pissed off at your life. So why not change it and be happy.
Then there are the ones that say a smile is also a sign of weakness. People tend to take advantage of the weak ones. Having a smile on your face always indicated that you were indeed nice and a good heart always went along with it. And this is where the kind-hearted get corrupted. They take to the ones that need help and eventually with time get burned. The smile quickly goes away and your open-mindedness about humanity gets pushed out and resentment and sometimes even fear replaces it. Fear of having to witness such heartless despicable acts carried out by the ones you let in. Depending on the severity of what happened, you might give kindness another shot. But we all know eventually something else will happen. Something else will break you down. It's just a matter of when you want to smarten up and say "I think that's enough hurt"
When people say, I'm not fake, and I'm not gonna walk around with a fake smile on my face, although that is commendable, sometimes you just have to. It gets people off your back, and having to explain to them what's wrong gets tiring.
The feelings that I want hidden will stay hidden. But I don't have much I'm secretive about. I'm open with everything for the most part. The feelings that I would like to share but will not come out right away, I will make known that something is bothering me. It's a matter of people reading my face, body language, my sudden change in moods, and my tendency to stare off into space and look lost... those are my signs. Some people catch on, but they don't know me well enough to ask whats bothering me, and some just don't care to notice, which is totally fine. I'd like to say I have enough control to know when I'm doing it, but most times I don't realize it until someone is asking me whats wrong. Depending on how I think the other person can take it and the reactions I will have to deal with, I usually say nothing. But you see... all that can be avoided by a simple smile. If you smile,
no one thinks anything of it. No one thinks something is wrong and they
won't ask questions. You want to hide all your feelings behind a smile, fake or not, it might be the smart way to go.
The ones closest to me know my smiles are always genuine. To go about with everyday life
not even cracking a smile is just depressing.
To smile is attractive.
To laugh is attractive.
To have a sense of humor is attractive.
just smile :-)
Makes everything better.
A facial expression so easy to do that you wonder why everyone doesn't do it more often. It's contagious. You can't help but to smile back when someone smiles at you. If you don't, then fuck off. oh no wait, unless the person is a creeper stalker... then yeah, hell no... run!!!
When you walk around with an angry expression all the time people will avoid you as much as possible because you just look mean and unapproachable. That was your intention? you did it well. You walk around pissed of at the world, pissed off at your life. So why not change it and be happy.
Then there are the ones that say a smile is also a sign of weakness. People tend to take advantage of the weak ones. Having a smile on your face always indicated that you were indeed nice and a good heart always went along with it. And this is where the kind-hearted get corrupted. They take to the ones that need help and eventually with time get burned. The smile quickly goes away and your open-mindedness about humanity gets pushed out and resentment and sometimes even fear replaces it. Fear of having to witness such heartless despicable acts carried out by the ones you let in. Depending on the severity of what happened, you might give kindness another shot. But we all know eventually something else will happen. Something else will break you down. It's just a matter of when you want to smarten up and say "I think that's enough hurt"
When people say, I'm not fake, and I'm not gonna walk around with a fake smile on my face, although that is commendable, sometimes you just have to. It gets people off your back, and having to explain to them what's wrong gets tiring.


To smile is attractive.
To laugh is attractive.
To have a sense of humor is attractive.
just smile :-)
Makes everything better.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Belief in the Unknown
A friend showed me a video today that had me thinking about more then the intended intention of the video. It was about a little girl that drew on her fish tank with a permanent marker and the mom was questioning her about it. The little girl denied it and said a ghost did it, and started to described the ghost. I knew how it was going to end because it was explained by my friend beforehand. But while it was playing and the girl was describing the ghost I couldn't help but to think 2 things, Maybe this girl really did see a ghost and she just covered it up at the end to protect her ghost friend, OR she is just a compulsive liar. Sadly im sure she was just a liar. Admitted to drawing on the dog as well. Her attitude during the whole video was priceless, then you start to think if she lies like this when she's this young... unless someone teaches her straight she gonna keep on lying. Meh, not my kid so idc.
Anywhos, Let's say this did turn out the way I was hoping for. That the little girl did actually see a ghost. While most would probably want to commit her to a mental institution or send her to therapy, some would admire her ability and want to know more. I'm the type of person that would want to know more. I refer to this as an ability because I feel that that is exactly what it is. You have the ability to see apparitions, you have the ability to see what others can't, and then you have the choice to accept what you've gotten as a gift and not a curse. While no one else can see it... you can.
Call it what you will, the paranormal, otherworldly, imaginary, supernatural, or just simply the Unknown. To believe in all of this and not only the "Haunting" part of it shows a lot of ones character. You think all ghosts are here roaming in between these plains to haunt everyone. That they are all evil and stay for devious intentions. I believe that the only reason why they are hostile is because there are people out there that go looking for trouble. They go looking to disturb spirits that just want to rest. That's when people get hurt, and then that's where people label them "haunting spirits" or "haunting ghosts"... all because of the living, they cannot rest.
As much as I believe, I have not seen for my own eyes. Everyone has their brush with a cold breezes blowing by, or temperature dropping in a sudden moment. That's an experience in itself as little as you feel that it is. Orrrr that AC just kicked on. But just because you haven't experienced anything physical doesn't mean that deep down you don't believe. I believe in the unknown. But I will not disrespect entities and go searching for them. I don't need to go to a supposed haunted house to witness one for myself. I don't need proof that they exist. I know they do and that's good enough for me.
Anywhos, Let's say this did turn out the way I was hoping for. That the little girl did actually see a ghost. While most would probably want to commit her to a mental institution or send her to therapy, some would admire her ability and want to know more. I'm the type of person that would want to know more. I refer to this as an ability because I feel that that is exactly what it is. You have the ability to see apparitions, you have the ability to see what others can't, and then you have the choice to accept what you've gotten as a gift and not a curse. While no one else can see it... you can.
Call it what you will, the paranormal, otherworldly, imaginary, supernatural, or just simply the Unknown. To believe in all of this and not only the "Haunting" part of it shows a lot of ones character. You think all ghosts are here roaming in between these plains to haunt everyone. That they are all evil and stay for devious intentions. I believe that the only reason why they are hostile is because there are people out there that go looking for trouble. They go looking to disturb spirits that just want to rest. That's when people get hurt, and then that's where people label them "haunting spirits" or "haunting ghosts"... all because of the living, they cannot rest.
As much as I believe, I have not seen for my own eyes. Everyone has their brush with a cold breezes blowing by, or temperature dropping in a sudden moment. That's an experience in itself as little as you feel that it is. Orrrr that AC just kicked on. But just because you haven't experienced anything physical doesn't mean that deep down you don't believe. I believe in the unknown. But I will not disrespect entities and go searching for them. I don't need to go to a supposed haunted house to witness one for myself. I don't need proof that they exist. I know they do and that's good enough for me.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Wrestling observation
I'm choosing to change pace here in this topic. Buuuut like this blog title states so perfectly "Random". hehe
Anyways... During the time I was wrapped up with WoW and my relationship issues I slipped on keeping up with something else I enjoyed... Wrestling. This entry won't go in the specifics and my history, and/ or the longevity in which I have been a huge fan but simply an observation that I came across recently.
I try to take notice to everything that I see. A huge thing I do notice is how wrestlers enter the ring. This particular action I will be talking about is the wiping of their boots before they enter the ring. A couple different reasons are given. I admire old school technical wrestlers. William Regal is one of them. He is the first person I ever noticed who wiped his boots on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes. Some people say it was because of his snooty British better then thou character that he portrays. It's a sign of respect to all the wrestlers that came before you. And some say they do it simply to not dirty up the ring, or to prevent their boots from being slick, like basketball players do.
I see several second and third generation wrestlers who do this. Cody Rhodes does it for respect for his father Dusty. Lance Storm does it for the obvious respect of the Hart Family.
Now this one came as a surprise to me and I never really watched her because when I got back into wrestling she had Tamina Snuka by her side pretty much ensuring that she kept the title around her waist so I never really saw her do anything valid to prove she was a true champion. (Oh yeah and I'm so pissed they took away the "Womens championship" and kept the "Divas Championship". that to me was a bullshit slap in the face to every single legit female wrestler to have come before, but whatever, that's a gripe for another time)
Anywhos, Yes so AJ Lee. Never gave her a thought, never cared to watch her matches because it was all rubbish... Tamina help me win, blah blah blah. She came back after her recent marriage in RL and I was shocked to see how she entered the ring on RAW last week. She wiped her feet on the ring apron!! This gotta be a fluke... then I saw it again this week. WTF! Then I wanted to see who the heck trained her, because you don't see a lot of that around these days especially with the "Divas".... her trainer Jay Lethal of TNA, JAPW and RoH, amonst other promotions. So makes sense. Along with being married to CM Punk I can see where the respect would rub off on her. It just shocked the shit out of me and made me have a lot more respect for her.
Anyways... During the time I was wrapped up with WoW and my relationship issues I slipped on keeping up with something else I enjoyed... Wrestling. This entry won't go in the specifics and my history, and/ or the longevity in which I have been a huge fan but simply an observation that I came across recently.
I try to take notice to everything that I see. A huge thing I do notice is how wrestlers enter the ring. This particular action I will be talking about is the wiping of their boots before they enter the ring. A couple different reasons are given. I admire old school technical wrestlers. William Regal is one of them. He is the first person I ever noticed who wiped his boots on the ring apron before stepping through the ropes. Some people say it was because of his snooty British better then thou character that he portrays. It's a sign of respect to all the wrestlers that came before you. And some say they do it simply to not dirty up the ring, or to prevent their boots from being slick, like basketball players do.
I see several second and third generation wrestlers who do this. Cody Rhodes does it for respect for his father Dusty. Lance Storm does it for the obvious respect of the Hart Family.
Now this one came as a surprise to me and I never really watched her because when I got back into wrestling she had Tamina Snuka by her side pretty much ensuring that she kept the title around her waist so I never really saw her do anything valid to prove she was a true champion. (Oh yeah and I'm so pissed they took away the "Womens championship" and kept the "Divas Championship". that to me was a bullshit slap in the face to every single legit female wrestler to have come before, but whatever, that's a gripe for another time)
Anywhos, Yes so AJ Lee. Never gave her a thought, never cared to watch her matches because it was all rubbish... Tamina help me win, blah blah blah. She came back after her recent marriage in RL and I was shocked to see how she entered the ring on RAW last week. She wiped her feet on the ring apron!! This gotta be a fluke... then I saw it again this week. WTF! Then I wanted to see who the heck trained her, because you don't see a lot of that around these days especially with the "Divas".... her trainer Jay Lethal of TNA, JAPW and RoH, amonst other promotions. So makes sense. Along with being married to CM Punk I can see where the respect would rub off on her. It just shocked the shit out of me and made me have a lot more respect for her.
Everyone wants to feel like they can trust people right?... I find it terribly difficult now-a-days. You hear so much words but always question if they're true or not. You hear the words "You can trust me" but always question if they really have the decency to back it up.
Can you trust them with things that you tell them?
Can you trust them with things that you wish for no one else to know?
Can you trust them with not only information, but to have a piece of you so fragile that it can get hurt if the trust is broken?
I don't trust very well. Which sucks because the people that are willing to be there for you through anything and want you to feel like you can trust them whole heartedly are the ones that will be left in the dark. They want to help, they want you to feel comfortable around them and want you to share things with them, not for the fact that they are trying to be nosey, but just that they care.
Have been burned one to many times puts a shit ton of barriers up. The Trust Wall if you will. If you've contributed to the reason why that wall is there in the first place, I'm not saying that you can't help tear it down. You just have a long way to go.
Rebuilding trust takes a lot and most times people will say "fuck off" depending on the severity of what and how the trust was broken in the first place. You can't blame anyone for their decision to not let anyone back into their lives because of it.
Based on previous experiences I've learned. I don't need those kinds of people in my life, no one does. Unless you do the same thing to others, then by all means, y'all can stick together.
Can you trust them with things that you tell them?
Can you trust them with things that you wish for no one else to know?
Can you trust them with not only information, but to have a piece of you so fragile that it can get hurt if the trust is broken?
I don't trust very well. Which sucks because the people that are willing to be there for you through anything and want you to feel like you can trust them whole heartedly are the ones that will be left in the dark. They want to help, they want you to feel comfortable around them and want you to share things with them, not for the fact that they are trying to be nosey, but just that they care.
Have been burned one to many times puts a shit ton of barriers up. The Trust Wall if you will. If you've contributed to the reason why that wall is there in the first place, I'm not saying that you can't help tear it down. You just have a long way to go.
Rebuilding trust takes a lot and most times people will say "fuck off" depending on the severity of what and how the trust was broken in the first place. You can't blame anyone for their decision to not let anyone back into their lives because of it.
Based on previous experiences I've learned. I don't need those kinds of people in my life, no one does. Unless you do the same thing to others, then by all means, y'all can stick together.
Monday, July 7, 2014
It's easy to say someone can sit there and be a good listener, but most times they do not understand what being a good listener entails. Remembering what you were just told has a lot to do with being a good listener. Yes I can sit by your side while you spill your guts and vent about your recent personal life issues and I can offer my opinions and or concerns, but if I don't retain anything that was just told to me... I can't consider myself to be a good listener.
I try as much as possible to remember everything that was told to me. It means the world when someone actually remembers what you say. Just shows that they gave a damn the first time you said it. I hate repeating myself 10x over. I don't expect people to remember every single thing that others tell them, for cripes sake that would be crazy. We all have our own shit on our plate and our own important things to remember. But if you're going to ask a friend what's wrong or a significant other to share their feelings and thoughts you best be ready to listen and remember what is gonna come spewing out of their mouths. And if you end up forgetting what you just asked to have dumped in your lap, well, that will make the "sharer" feel like they want to never share things with you again. right?
I've had that so much in my life makes me wonder if it's me who is uninteresting, me who people don't care to listen to, me who people find the things that I have to say so boring that they bother not to remember anything that comes out of my mouth no matter how important it is to me, like how to pronounce or spell my fuckin' name. Although it still annoys the shit out of me, I've come to terms with it. It is what it is.
I was telling someone recently that I'll admit, I don't remember everything that people tell me, but if I feel it is of great importance, I will write it down. I don't knock anyone for not having a good memory, I just knock them for not making that effort to make sure you remember what you were just told. Shows they don't care and really in the end its something that makes me lose interest and drift away, but not until after I've sat through it a while to see if it's something I can get over. I usually never do get over it. But you must be careful with me because I will play it off like it doesn't bother me or that I never told you in the first place.
I try as much as possible to remember everything that was told to me. It means the world when someone actually remembers what you say. Just shows that they gave a damn the first time you said it. I hate repeating myself 10x over. I don't expect people to remember every single thing that others tell them, for cripes sake that would be crazy. We all have our own shit on our plate and our own important things to remember. But if you're going to ask a friend what's wrong or a significant other to share their feelings and thoughts you best be ready to listen and remember what is gonna come spewing out of their mouths. And if you end up forgetting what you just asked to have dumped in your lap, well, that will make the "sharer" feel like they want to never share things with you again. right?
I've had that so much in my life makes me wonder if it's me who is uninteresting, me who people don't care to listen to, me who people find the things that I have to say so boring that they bother not to remember anything that comes out of my mouth no matter how important it is to me, like how to pronounce or spell my fuckin' name. Although it still annoys the shit out of me, I've come to terms with it. It is what it is.
I was telling someone recently that I'll admit, I don't remember everything that people tell me, but if I feel it is of great importance, I will write it down. I don't knock anyone for not having a good memory, I just knock them for not making that effort to make sure you remember what you were just told. Shows they don't care and really in the end its something that makes me lose interest and drift away, but not until after I've sat through it a while to see if it's something I can get over. I usually never do get over it. But you must be careful with me because I will play it off like it doesn't bother me or that I never told you in the first place.
Stickers make good tattoos

My first interaction with someone trying to Hello kitty - immortalize an iconic figure on their body came when a coworker who loves Star Wars wanted to get a Hello Kitty Darth Vader tattoo. I frowned upon that soooo much. It was funny because we also worked with a dude that loves Darth vader and he was sooo pissed she wanted to get that. I always say get whatever the fuck you want tattooed on yourself. It's your body to do with it what you please.
Oh don't misunderstand, I have nothing against Hello Kitty. It's not my favorite Sanrio character but looking at these stickers did make me want to get these tattooed. lol I'm dumb and I don't stick to my initial beliefs I guess. meh.But you know deep down I won't get them. BUT I just wanted to share these :-P


and of course Toadette. Playing Mario Kart Wii I always used Toadette. I had another pic I wanted to use, but just posted this one because it was a sticker that Mish gave me along with the rest of them.
"Toadette is the WINNER!!!"
Little White Lies
As honest as you feel you are being there is always those little white lies that seem to always slip in. People aren't dumb, they know when you're lying and there are people that blow up on you and can call you out on that shit right there, and then there are the ones that let them be.... they let them continue on with the whole illusion without showing any sign that they smell something not right. I fall into the latter. People tell me lies through stories, experiences, or just random everyday occurrences and they think I don't understand. I'm revealing my hand in this entry I know. But it still won't make people not lie to me. It's not always malicious and devious lies... just the little ones that are so small yet hold so much weight because you feel why would you choose to lie about something so small.
I come off as very naive, and as much as I'm not book smart, I'd say I'm smart at other things. Reading people and knowing what they want to hear, but not always telling them what they want to hear. To be fully honest with someone means everything to that person. The first indication that you were just lied to can cause a person to shut down so hard and start building that trust wall back up. No one has broken mine down yet. I still get the people that feel the need to not fully be honest, and that's ok. Just don't expect to know that I'm letting you carry on with it, and don't expect for me to trust you. plain and simple. I might throw some lies back at you just to make myself feel like I've won.
Do people think that the little white lies are harmless? Do people think that the little white lie won't snowball into something bigger?... just like every other lie, you have to lie bigger to cover up that little lie you thought was so innocent.
I will admit I have lied to many faces... but not before I got hit with them myself. I need to stop because it's not good for anyone, especially myself and my sanity. You'd like to think that if you showed someone honesty and trust, they would reciprocate... but nope. Now a days it seems so much more common. Like the lies are just what you do and it becomes a part of your everyday routine... wake up lie, eat, lie, sleep... It's sad really.
But that's the world we live in and sadly if you keep it in your life, that will be the life you choose to have. So don't complain about it.
I come off as very naive, and as much as I'm not book smart, I'd say I'm smart at other things. Reading people and knowing what they want to hear, but not always telling them what they want to hear. To be fully honest with someone means everything to that person. The first indication that you were just lied to can cause a person to shut down so hard and start building that trust wall back up. No one has broken mine down yet. I still get the people that feel the need to not fully be honest, and that's ok. Just don't expect to know that I'm letting you carry on with it, and don't expect for me to trust you. plain and simple. I might throw some lies back at you just to make myself feel like I've won.
Do people think that the little white lies are harmless? Do people think that the little white lie won't snowball into something bigger?... just like every other lie, you have to lie bigger to cover up that little lie you thought was so innocent.
I will admit I have lied to many faces... but not before I got hit with them myself. I need to stop because it's not good for anyone, especially myself and my sanity. You'd like to think that if you showed someone honesty and trust, they would reciprocate... but nope. Now a days it seems so much more common. Like the lies are just what you do and it becomes a part of your everyday routine... wake up lie, eat, lie, sleep... It's sad really.
But that's the world we live in and sadly if you keep it in your life, that will be the life you choose to have. So don't complain about it.
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