Thursday, April 23, 2015

Crazy Rat Lady

Crazy Cat lady
A popular stereotype referring to a subpopulation of older single woman who, by circumstance or choice, replace personal and social relationships and human interaction with feline companionship.

So now you have to just change "cat" with "rat" and that pretty much sums me up. Baby Dinosaur has replaced my need for human interaction. I'm not to the point where I carry on conversations with her or anything. But sadly I think I'm almost there. You don't normally play with a rat the same as you would a cat, but she does keep me company. 
I watch the ladies I work with shop for their kids at the store and do you think I wish I had kids to buy cute shit for... NOPE! but I do buy random shit for Baby Dinosaur. Of course not that she will wear it, but just seeing what I can do/make from it to provide Baby Dinosaur with a cozy place to sleep in or something she can play with. 
Take the first pic for instance. A soft baby jacket on clearance. I turned it into a pouch to carry her in. Sewed the bottom and the arms and clipped an old purse strap to it, and bam! Rat purse! and look the pockets can carry treats in them. But it's not only things I buy that I use for her. I've brought boxes and cardboard tubes home to make her things to crawl through. 
Seriously my rat is spoiled. 
I work next to a Petsmart so it's easy for me to linger in there and see what new treats they have. I just counted it and I have 11 bags of different treats for her. Oh shit nevermind, 13, 2 were on the floor. Oh don't get me wrong, I do treat her like a child in the part of eating her normal recommended rat food diet stuff as well. She will pick out the ones she likes and leave the rest. I won't give her treats until she eats more of the pellets she doesn't like. When she does, then she gets treats again. 
I worry that she will live the normal domesticated rat life expectancy of only 2 years. When I got her back in September of last year I was told she was about a year old. With a healthy diet and good exercising habits rats can live longer. She doesn't run on her exercising wheel so I've plugged up the drain hole on my balcony and I try to let her run around out there for a bit as much as I can. I don't let her stay out there by herself for fear of something coming and snatching her up, or it being to hot/cold. And the daytime sun light being too bright for her eyes.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records the oldest documented rat was 7 years old when it died. But they don't know exactly what made him live that long but I'm shootin' to keep Baby Dinosaur alive that long. I doubt by then anything in my life will change. No boyfriend/husband/kids. So sad. lol. not really, yeah it is... NO IT'S NOT!
I <3 Baby Dinosaur!!!