Though not in the sense that you would think.
First off, I'm going on almost 15 years since my first tattoo and I've been working for about 17. So majority of my working life has been in long sleeves. I am used to it and I have no problem with it. Cut knee socks have been a part of my work uniform forever, to the point where I call them my "arms". Seriously people at work know what I'm talking about when I say "I lost an arm!" and I'm holding up only one sock sleeve.
I understand when people make comments like the one I got today at work, people are not offended by tattoos, but they simply are trying to be nice and let you know that jobs that oppress such freedom of individuality are "bullshit" ... that was my customer's words, not mine. If you didn't understand what I just said, my customer was upset FOR me, not AT me.
My answer is always "Oh no, it's alright." and I give a reassuring smile, Cuz seriously, it is OK. I'm used to it. That will never change, you will never EVER have a time where every single job in the world will allow you to work with the public and be allowed to have your tattoos visible.
As much as I understand it and I do respect a job's dress code/appearance policy, yes I do wish it would change. But I know it won't and I'm OK with that. I don't go around saying "We'll this job makes me cover up my tattoos and take out my piercings. Fuck that, I won't do it" boo hoo waaah waaaahhh, too bad so sad. You know what's an easy fix for that. quit and find a job that will let you do what you want if it bother's you so much.
But in all honesty, I do think that jobs should focus more on their loyal, reliable employees with good work ethic rather then how the individual chooses to express themselves. So many ways to harmlessly do that, from said tattoos, piercings, hair coloring. It hurts no one physically and is never a safety infraction but it's the image of the company you represent that is the issue. You could be the most loyal, clean cut, well dressed person at your job covered in tattoos and you will be asked to change. Then you have someone who personal hygiene isn't at the "top" of their list, complains all the time and not one tattoo but the company doesn't look twice at them.
But guess what, in the end, and I'm really disappointed and confused at myself for feeling this way: The ones that I am annoyed with the most, are the ones that constantly get upset at my job for having me cover up my arms and take out my piercings. Like I said before it's a person's choice to work for a company that has rules and a dress code. If they don't like it, they can quit... simple.
Just like jobs will never fully accept body art in any forms in my life time, we are not past family generations that fully accept it as well. This is a funny story to me, several years ago, one of my Aunties commented on my chest tattoo. "Why skulls? Is that for the devil?" That wasn't a joking question either. She was dead serious with a grossed out look on her face. I don't remember what my response was, or if I even gave any. Just based on that reaction, is why I can see companies still have dress code policies. Because you will always have the people that judge and look at appearances over the actual person.
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I just needed a pic for this blog and I couldn't find a good quote :-) |